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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Education makes people less racists _ building a Multiracial Society

Education makes people less racists _ building a Multiracial Society

Q The “Archie Bunker” stereotype that lesser-educated, working-class whites are more likely to spout racism than more educated persons is not supported by the sociological research presented here. Why do you think we assume that education makes people “less racist”—what are we assuming about the U.S. education system that is not really there?

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While the obvious tendency is to state that with education, issues like racism and prejudice lessens, the truth is far from obvious. In the united states, the education system surely follows a standard and aims to create diversity, but sadly, very little discourse is given to topics like racism. There might be subtle discussions, but there is no impact or enough motivation to drive a substantial change in the arena of minimizing racism or raising awareness. Whether working-class or blue-collar elitists, whether educated or lacking it, racism is more a behavioral issue influenced by attitude and brainwashing